
Regulatory guidance defines 6 principles by which voluntary climate change mitigation efforts can be assessed. This page goes into detail about these principles and our compliance efforts.

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Principle 1: Transparent


“The details of the source of voluntary climate change mitigation and how the voluntary action meets the other five principles for claiming voluntary climate change mitigation should be clearly stated and publicly available.” – Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 7.


Details about the source of voluntary climate change mitigation and how the voluntary action meets the other five principles for claiming voluntary climate change mitigation can be found on this page.


“The organisation claiming the voluntary climate change mitigation should also transparently disclose whether the action taken contributes towards a national level target…” – Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 7.


The action taken does not contribute to a national level target.

Principle 2: Real, measurable and verified


“The voluntary climate change mitigation claimed as the offset represents a tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) (or equivalent) emissions reduced or removed from the atmosphere, from tangible activities that have been implemented.” – Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 7.


Each Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credit represents one tonne (1000 kgs) of CO2 removed from the atmosphere. This representation is anchored by real-world sequestration data which is available for audit at


“The reduction or removal is supported by evidence from credible monitoring and reporting and should be verified by a third party to a reputable, and publicly disclosed, carbon standard (including the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme).” – Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 7.


Each issuance is anchored to a comprehensive data profile which hosts information that substantiates the carbon credit claim. NETZERO.KIWI LIMITED verifies this information and issues carbon credits according to a publicly disclosed protocol.

Principle 3: Additional


“The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions or removals are due to a specific intervention and would not have occurred under business as usual. This means the voluntary climate change mitigation cannot be an action or activity that was going to happen anyway, something that is already required under existing regulation, or incentivised by other policy measures.” – Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 8.


The removal of CO2 from the atmosphere is due the implementation of regenerative farming practices .

Principle 4: Not double used


“Organisations must ensure the GHG emission reductions or removals are only used once to achieve emissions reduction targets or for compliance. Ensuring that a unit used for claims of voluntary climate change mitigation is registered and cancelled only one time in a registry means the associated claim of emissions reduction cannot be reused elsewhere by the same or another organisation and evidence of its cancellation is available for transparency.” – Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 8.


Emission offsetting can only be completed by initiating a ‘burn’ transaction which permanently removes Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credits from circulation. All transaction records of Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credits are accessible to the public.

Principle 5: Address leakage


“The activity of reducing or removing emissions within the boundary of the voluntary climate change mitigation activity does not result in increases to emissions elsewhere. If leakage does occur, the project should be measuring and deducting any leakage related emissions from the total voluntary climate change mitigation claimed.”Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 9.


The activity of reducing or removing emissions within the boundary of the voluntary climate change mitigation activity does not result in known increases to emissions elsewhere.

Principle 6: Permanent


“Reductions or removals must be maintained over time and be unlikely to be reversed. Any subsequent reversal of credited climate change mitigation must be fully compensated for. An organisation will need to consider how their claimed voluntary climate change mitigation demonstrates permanence and state how the voluntary climate change mitigation will be managed if, for unforeseen circumstances, the voluntary action is reversed.” Interim guidance for voluntary climate change mitigation. Page 9.


The permanence of removals is able to be demonstrated by publicly accessible data. Claims are managed in order that reversals of credited climate change mitigation can be fully compensated for.