
Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credits can be exported to an external network by a network administrator.

As Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credit issuance is validated by data profiles, the issuance of Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credits on an external network can be validated by export logs that reference an offset transaction.

In order for Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credits to be exported to an external network:

a) Apply for an export log URL.

b) Create an offset transaction that contains: 1. The required quantity of carbon credits and 2. The export log URL in the “memo” section. Eg: kiwico2.org/e1.pdf

c) Enter the offset transaction URL to complete the export log.

d) Reference the export log URL to validate the issuance of the same quantity of carbon credits on the external network.