What are anchors?
Anchors are validation methods used to authenticate links within an ecosystem.
The Kiwi CO2 accounting network uses anchors to validate:
Asset association
The association between the stellar-network asset Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) and the website is anchored via the issuing account home domain. See example below.
Organisation association
The association between and NETZERO.KIWI LTD is anchored via the about page, and the home page.
Carbon credits
Each Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credit in circulation is anchored to a compliant real-world CO2 sequestration data profile.
The data profile URL is entered in the “Memo (TEXT)” section of each issuance transaction. See example below.
Data profiles
Protocol data is anchored to data profiles to validate the issuance of Kiwi CO2 (KCO2) carbon credits.
Emission offsets
Emission offsetting is anchored via permanent and publicly verifiable transactions on the stellar-network. See example below.